The Atlx Expander is an expansion module for the Synthvoice Atlantix from Intellijel. The expander offers eight individual outputs for the waveforms of oscillators A and B, a sub-oscillator output, separate taps for the filter variants and a ring modulator. The sine waveforms of the two oscillators are normalized to the X and Y inputs of the ring modulator. Of course, any other waveform can be used and even the envelope and an LFO can be used to generate an abstract control voltage. Since Atlantix's Sample & Hold function is freely accessible, you can create analog bitcrush with the Expander by patching a square waveform to SAMP and HOLD respectively.
Inputs & outputs of the expander
Oscillator A: Sine, triangle, sawtooth, square with PWM
Oscillator B: Sine, triangle, sawtooth, square without PWM