The ATX1 from Tiptop Audio's ART series is an analog oscillator with a sawtooth core and a very fat basic sound. The waveforms can be faded continuously from sine to triangle, sawtooth and square. This can be done manually and via control voltage. PWM with a maximum pulse width of almost 100% is also implemented. The oscillator can be controlled via CV with 1V/Oct or using the ART standard. In 1V/Oct mode, the ATX1 behaves like most Eurorack oscillators; in ART mode, the module permanently monitors its Tuning and manages the envelope control (gate out) of the assigned voice. The FM input covers the usual wide control range in 1V/Oct and LFO mode. In ART mode, the intensity is sufficient for vibrato effects. The third operating mode is LFO mode, where the frequency range is significantly lowered to suit the functionality as an LFO in addition to Keytracking and Reset (hardsync).
What is ART?
With the ART interface, TipTop Audio defines a new high-speed transmission standard that works with normal Eurorack cables. CV, Gate, Pitchbend, ModWheel, Program Change, etc. are transmitted to modules that support the ART standard with significantly reduced cabling effort. Polyphony is also supported.