The SOLO STUDIOfrom ART is a single-channel channel strip that offers the option of switching between tube and transistor circuits to combine the best of both worlds. The transistor circuit works with very low distortion and noise, whereas the Class-A tube microphone preamp has a warm character. Which circuit is used is set via the VOICE control. This and all other controls on the front of the SOLO STUDIOare stepped and therefore perfect for easy recall. The SOLO STUDIO also has a tilt EQ function, which can be used to emphasize a high presence or a warm bass range in the audio signal, while the low cut filter ensures that low frequencies are filtered out at a frequency of 80Hz.
The device also features an illuminated VU meter, an output level selector switch and a bypass switch,switchable 48V phantom power for the use of certain microphone types and a combo instrument input (XLR / 6.35mm jack socket) with high impedance on the front panel.
The other connections of the SOLO STUDIO are located on the rear panel. The input and output have each been given a three-pin XLR and a 6.35mm jack connection. As this is a 1-channel channel strip, only one socket from the input and one from the Output can be used at any one time. The device also offers a pre-compression insert loop with two 6.35 mm jack sockets.
Technical data:
Inputs: 1x XLR, 1x 6.35mm jack (balanced) and 1x combo jack (Hi-Z) on the front panel
Outputs: 1x XLR, 1x 6.35mm jack (balanced)
Loop insert: 1x 6.35mm jack (preamp out), 1x 6.35mm jack (comp in)
Maximum input level: +19dBu
Maximum instrument input: +17dBu
Equivalent input noise: -129dBu (XLR, "A" weighted)