Your Feedback Furthrrrr Generator BLCK_EDITION

Item: SYN0007061-000V000251716
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Product variations Furthrrrr Generator Gold Furthrrrr Generator Gold Product Image
  • Manufacturer:
  • TE / HP: 30.0
  • Depth (mm): 15.0
  • + 12 V (mA): 180.0
  • - 12 V (mA): 215.0
N/A Furthrrrr Generator silver Furthrrrr Generator silver Product Image
  • Manufacturer:
  • TE / HP: 30.0
  • Depth (mm): 15.0
  • + 12 V (mA): 180.0
  • - 12 V (mA): 215.0
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    READY TO SHIP Furthrrrr Generator BLCK_EDITION

Item with slight signs of usage

Dual VCO module Furthrrrr Generator BLCK_EDITION ist Oszillator Modul für Eurorack Modular Synthesizer. Sein komplexes Design ist an den Aufbau des Buchla 259 angelehnt.

Main oscillator (carrier)

Furthrrrr generator has a main oscillator (carrier) with an extensive, fully voltage controllable wave multiplier as well as a modulation oscillator (modulator), which can also modulate the main oscillator crosswise. Each oscillator has hard and soft sync and an integrated tuner. The frequency potentiometers of both oscillators have 10 revolutions and allow easy tuning of the VCOs. The frequency range of both VCOs ranges from 10Hz-10kHz (the LFO mode of the modulator naturally goes lower).

The main oscillator (carrier) outputs the waveforms sine, sawtooth, square and noise. The two outputs are the"harmonic section". The Wave Multiplier in the right section and its parameters Symmetry, Order and furthrrrr create very complex sounds. Symmetry reduces the level of even harmonics and increases the level of odd harmonics (this also changes the pulse width for the square-wave output). Order adds saturation to the high harmonics and reminds a bit of a low pass filter. Furthrrrr changes the levels of the overtones, which were adjusted by the other parameters and produces very interesting, overtone-rich, partly brute sounds by folding. All three parameters can also be controlled via control voltages. There are inputs for soft- and hard-sync, with the sync-switch you can sync directly to the modulator.

Modulation oscillator (modulator)

The modulation oscillator (modulator) has three waveforms with direct outputs; sine, sawtooth and square wave. With internal modulation via the "mood section", the waveforms are selected via a button; there is an additional staircase waveform, which is deactivated by inserting a signal into the external input. A toggle switch activates the LFO mode.

The mood section is responsible for the internal modulation of the carrier via the modulator. Toggle switches set the modulation target(s), which can of course be activated simultaneously. These are the fordhrrrr parameter of the harmonic section, the amplitude and the frequency of the main oscillator. The balanced switch activates the ring modulation between both VCOs. The modulation intensity is controlled by the "mood index" potentiometer and the corresponding CV input with bipolar attenuator. Furthrrrr Generator BLCK_EDITION at a glance:

  • Width: 30 HP
  • Connections: CV input Mood

per carrier/modulator:

  • Sine Output
  • Sawtooth output
  • Rectangle output
  • Soft Sync input
  • Hard Sync input
  • CV inputs 3x
  • FM input
dummybar - Furthrrrr Generator demo by LIN/LOG Furthrrrr Generator - overview by Marko Ciciliani


  • Manufacturer:
  • TE / HP: 30
  • Depth (mm): 15
  • + 12 V (mA): 180
  • - 12 V (mA): 215

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