With PersephoneExpert Sleepers presents an analog VCA with a well thought-out circuit concept. Thanks to discrete JFET components, the VCA has a very pleasant overdrive behavior and tends to more severe distortions with classic analog sound character at high levels. In addition, Persephone has a zero-crossing detector that allows you to limit gain changes to the zero-crossing in the waveform to avoid clicks and pops that can occur with very fast envelopes, especially with lower sounds. With zerocrossing enabled, you can even use a simple Gate on the CV input without any clicks. Two CV inputs, one with its own attenuator, allow full control over the level response. The asymmetry switch disables a part of the circuit that linearizes the VCA's behavior, causing positive and negative sections of the input waveform to be processed quite differently, increasing even harmonic distortion. The entire audio path is DC-coupled.