The Minimoog Model D is an icon of electronic music and made Moog synthesizers a world-famous name. The Minimoog began its triumphant advance in the 1970s and is the model for countless synthesizers, because Bob Moog laid the foundation for compact and intuitively playable synthesizers with the functionality of the Minimoog Model D. With the new edition of the most famous synthesizer ever, the Minimoog Model D Walnut, the Moog company makes countless dreams come true! So why pay horrendous prices for used equipment when you can buy a new Minimoog? The Minimoog Model D Re-Issue has the original sound engine and the original look of its vintage predecessor from the 70s. The new Minimoog Model D Re-Issue is handmade in the USA and the sound generation corresponds exactly to the original circuits, PCB layouts and components.
It is the synthesizer around which the greatest legends entwine - the Minimoog is the symbol of the synthesizer at all. With the Minimoog, Bob Moog made the synthesizer a playable musical instrument, because synthesizers were previously widely used as modular systems that were difficult to handle in the context of a rock band. In order to get any sound out of these"telephone cabinets", many cables had to be plugged in. The Minimoog redefined the term synthesizer back then, because the compact synth was easy to transport and fit into any keyboard castle. The main advantage, however, was that it was immediately ready to play, since the individual function groups of the synthesizer are already wired internally. The Minimoog was the first synthesizer to offer musicians an intuitive approach to play synthesizers creatively and spontaneously.
The Minimoog Model D is combined with an extremely full sound and a rich sound quality. Numerous musicians and bands of the 60s and 70s have made the Moog sound famous. Electronic pioneers of the 70s - e.g. Klaus Schulze or Tangerine Dream - often used the Minimoog Model D. But as the first compact synthesizer that could be played via a keyboard, the Minimoog Model D found great enthusiasm among the keyboard players of rock and prog rock bands. Rick Wakeman of YES was known for having four Minimoogs enthroned on his keyboard castle. And of course the Minimoog Model D also became a central instrument in the electronic currents of jazz and jazz rock of the 70s. There was hardly a keyboard player who didn't have a Moog synthesizer in his setup - preferably a Minimoog Model D of course!
The clear operating concept of the Minimmog Model D Re-Issue makes synthesizer sounds literally tangible. And last but not least, the great success of the Minimoog can also be attributed to this feature: How to create or modify a sound is almost self-explanatory - the operating concept of the Minimoog is so clearly structured. From left to right you can find the oscillators, mixers, filters and modifiers. This classical structure runs like a constant through the synthesizer development following the Minimoog, even in modern synthesizer workstations these basic elements can be found. The fact that you can very quickly configure a sound without preset memory and continue to shape it while playing is especially for the Minimoog - a master of this discipline is e.g. Manfred Mann, who developed a special playing style with very versatile articulations in the 70s by always controlling the tone approach by attack and decay as well as the overtone content (filter cutoff, resonance).
Rediscover the fabulous sound of the Minimoog - with the Minimoog new edition it's possible! Anyone who has always wanted the original can now look forward to the Minimoog Model D Re-Issue, because it offers everything you expect - and a little more! The Moog team has also added some very nice features that raise the potential of the Minimoog to a new level. This includes an additional LFO, envelopes assigned to the modulation bus, an external modulation input, CV interface, MIDI trio and direct use of the filter overdrive. Otherwise, however, everything remains the same: Minimoog with the unmistakably noble and fat sound you can't expect from the Moog synthesizer of all time. This has its price, of course, because unlike other current new editions of famous synthesizers, the new Minimoog Model D Re-Issue is not a predecessor built in miniaturized SMD electronics - and digital DSP technology is certainly not used here.
The Minimoog is the ultimate for many lovers and connoisseurs of analog synthesizers - but there are of course also other Moog synthesizers that should not be ignored besides the new Minimoog Model D Re-Issue if you want the famous sound. The Moog Sub 37 is a good tip: it also has the unmistakable sound of a Moog synthesizer, but is designed much more modern in concept. A more flexible filter concept, storable presets and MIDI-controllable parameters are also strong arguments in comparison to the Minimoog - and not least the significantly lower price. As a modern descendant of the Minimoog he certainly deserves the title "Moog Synthesizer". You can also get the Moog sound as a module - for beginners the Moog Minitaur is an inexpensive recommendation, and if you want to combine the Moog synthesizer sound with a modular synthesizer, you should definitely take a look at the Moog Mother-32.