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After Later Audio uO_C
Ornament & Crime
The uO_C from After Later Audio is based on that of Micro Ornament & Crime from mxmxmx and is one of the most versatile modules on the market. O & C is designed for up to quadruple applications and includes twelve applications in this version, which are aimed more at experienced users and lovers of generative modular music.
The Ornament & Crime applications at a glance:
CopierMachine - extended version of the digital emulation of a four-stage analog shift register (ASR).
Harrington 1200 - neo-Riemannian Tonnetz transformations of triadic chords
Automaton net - tone net transformations with vector sequencer, can be used as chord or melody sequencer
Quantain - quadruple pitch quantizer for external voltages with editable scales; can also be used as a quadruple Turing Machine, logistic May warp map or byte beats
Meta-Q - dual-channel quantizer with scale and note mask sequencing
Quadraturia - wavetable quadrature LFO
Low-Rents - dual Lorenz & Rössler modulation generator (Strange Attractor), partly based on the MI Streams Easter Egg
Piqued - quadruple voltage controlled envelope generator (based on MI Peaks, with extension and voltage control, additional envelope types, retrigger, additional segment shapes, trigger delay and other functions
Sequins - two-channel step sequencer with 4 patterns that can be up to 16 steps long
Dialectic Ping Pong - quadruple envelope generator (based on the hidden mode of MI Peaks)
Viznutcracker, sweet! - quadruple "byte beat" equation generator that can be used as an audio source to create interesting 8-bit noises and melodies
Acid Curds - chord quantizer
References - fixed voltage generator, frequency meter, note tuner, tap tempo calculator, closed loop calibration.
Ornament and Crime: Basic Controls for both Firmware