preamplifier Nowadays typical preamps are designed on an either-or basis - either solid state or tube. With these designs the engineer has a non integrated and thus often frustrating choice between a pure, neutral solid state recording or one unavoidably influenced by tubes. While the engineer may find solutions for one application with one microphone, a preamplifier for different situations, mics and instruments must provide a commensurate range of choices-like the GainStation preamps. A combination of 63dB solid state and an independently controllable 26dB tube circuitry (which can also be deactivated) ensures a complete sound palette panorama. In any situation the engineer now can achieve his goals with one front end for best-of-both-worlds results.
Separated Solid state and tube preamps. The tube preamp can be used additionally to the solid state stage to add tube saturations, for clean recordings it can be switched off.
Peak/FET Limiter
Switchable Mic Input Impedance (200 Ohms, 1,2 & 10 kOhms)
Custom-designed and built, fully discrete, class A op-amps (no off-the-shelf stuff here). The GainStation's op-amps feature 60-Volt operating voltage-twice as high as most common op-amps—for an incredible dynamic range.
All switching functions are handled by encapsulated relays with gold-plated contacts.
A no-compromise power supply with extensive additional shielding and seven separately wound and regulated voltages
Lundahl input transforner option, also for single channels or channel pairs