The Audiowerkstatt midi-restarter v2 allows the synchronous start/stop of a MIDI slave sequencer while the clock is running. For operation, the device is connected to the MIDI master device (MPC, groovebox, drum computer...), a first pressing of the red button stops the connected slave device at the end of the 16th step; if the red button is pressed again, the slave device is started synchronously to the new "1". Three operating modes distinguish between devices that require a short pause between Start/Stop commands and devices that do not. The Thru button determines whether only clock signals or all MIDI messages are transmitted.
Practical helper
A restart (resynchronization) of a MIDI slave instrument during "running operation" is often useful if a pattern or program change forces a stop, the groove sampler is reloaded, an incorrectly set loop point provides offbeats or another musician enters the live game later. You can also use the Midi-Restarter v2 to create a wonderful tension by simply taking out the whole drum machine for the break and restarting it at the right moment.
The Audiowerkstatt midi-restarter v2:
Desktop device
Synchronous start/stop during operation
MMC compatible
4/4 or 3/4 time signature
For MIDI devices
Audiowerkstatt midi-restarter - demonstration of all functions and settings