The DPA 2011A Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Microphone is part of the Reference Standard Series and is built around the the acclaimed DPA 4011 cardioid microphone, due to it's its all-round capture abilities. The 2011A delivers a blend of clarity, richness and dynamic range. Great for miking and recording on stage and in studio.
The 2011A from DPA features a Twin Diaphragm Capsule technology.
In a 2011 capsule two opposite facing miniature capsules are custom re-built into a double diaphragm, one-capsule composition.
The capsules are loaded to the supreme Reference Standard preamps instead of the tiny miniature FET preamp from the miniature mics, offering even more air and precision.
In a 2011 capsule two opposite facing miniature capsules are custom re-built into a double diaphragm, one-capsule composition.
The main features of the DPA 2011A include:
Directional pattern: Cardioid
Principle of operation: Pressure gradient, with interference tube