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Intellijel Plonk

Item: SYN0005833-000
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The Intellijel Plonk is a percussion module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format, developed in cooperation with Appli...  All product info

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Intellijel Plonk

percussion module

The Intellijel Plonk is a percussion module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format, developed in cooperation with Applied Acoustics Systems. The sounds of the module are generated by physical modeling and can be modified using various excitation and resonator models. The module is dual polyphonic with pitch, trigger and velocity inputs for tonal, dynamic playing of sounds. In addition there are a decay gate, a mod gate and two CV gates. As an extra feature, 128 presets can be saved and imported and exported via USB.

Intellijel Plonk at a glance:

  • Percussion Module
  • Sound generation through physical modeling
  • Various resonator models such as strings, marimbas, eardrums, etc.
  • Double Polyphone
  • 128 presets can be saved and exported and imported via USB

Intellijel Plonk Sound Demo


  • Manufacturer: Intellijel
  • TE / HP: 12
  • Depth (mm): 38
  • + 12 V (mA): 170
  • - 12 V (mA): 6
Intellijel Plonk Product ImageIntellijel Plonk
£ 277.00
£ 424.00
£ 275.00
£ 261.00
£ 399.00
£ 186.00

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