Gamut Repetitor quad random quantized voltage generator from NE
Four-channel CV/gate generator from Noise Engineering
The Gamut Repetitor from Noise Engineering is a four-channel CV/gate generator for generative sequencing. The module automatically generates quantized random voltages and triggers on four tracks without you having to define them yourself. The controls give access to the parameters basic tone, degree of deviation, direction and loop length (1-32 steps). The continuously generated random voltages can be recorded in a pattern by setting the loop length and further developed individually for each channel using the controls. The trigger outputs can either pass through their respective input signals (gates) or generate completely random trigger patterns. The internal quantizer works globally on all four channels and offers a selection of 27-tone scales that can be accessed manually or via CV. With Gamut Repetitor, the manufacturer has created a creative control center that does not focus on targeted note input, but rather on "letting yourself be surprised by what happens".