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Ritual Electronics Diviser

Item: SYN0008724-000
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Ritual Electronics Diviser, Clock Divider, 8 Divider Outputs, Suboscillator, Clock & Reset Inputs, Intellijel 1U Format  All product info
Ritual Electronics

€ 135.50 ca. HRK 1,017.61
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Ritual Electronics Diviser

  • Clock Divider
  • 8 divider outputs
  • 5 even dividers
  • 3 odd divider
  • Sub-oscillator
  • Clock & Reset Inputs
  • Intellijel 1U format

The Diviser from Ritual Electronics is a compact and useful clock div ider in Intellijel 1U format. From the incoming clock signal the module derives a total of eight clock dividers, five of them are even divid ers (:2, :4, :8, :16, :32), three are odd dividers (:3, :5, :7), the latter are suitable for less frequently used clock types in electronic music. The reset input resets all dividers to 0 volts to allow a clean start without active clocks. If you use the square wave output of an oscillator at the clock input instead of clock you get eight sub-oscillators at the outputs with an octave spacing from -1 to -8 octaves which is perfect for ultra low basslines.


  • Manufacturer: Ritual Electronics
  • TE / HP: 14
  • Depth (mm): 35
  • + 12 V (mA): 25
  • - 12 V (mA): 3
Ritual Electronics Diviser Product ImageRitual Electronics Diviser
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