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37 items
Item-Nr.: SYN0004664-000
The Miditech i2-Mini USB Master Keyboard is a USB keyboard in an ultra compact format. In addition to the 32 velocity sensitive mini keys, this keyboard also features direct acc...
Item-Nr.: SYN0007960-000
Compact master keyboard with DAW functions, handy mini keyboard with 25 velocity sensitive keys and assignable controls.
Item-Nr.: SYN0006604-000
The M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 Mk3 is the third iteration of the amazingly compact and feature driven USB/MIDI controller.
Item-Nr.: SYN0006957-000
The SE25 from Nektar is a USB master keyboard with 25 mini keys, dedicated transport buttons and imprinted setup options. Velocity, Octave, DAW, USB, Logic, Ableton, Cubase, Bitwig, Studio, Laptop
Item-Nr.: SYN0003894-000
Item-Nr.: SYN0004053-000
Item-Nr.: SYN0006181-000
The Miditech i2-mini 32 Bluetooth Keyboard is a master keyboard which is connected to the computer via Bluetooth. The keyboard is equipped with 32 velocity-sensitive mini-keys and is tenfold polyph...
Item-Nr.: SYN0007246-000
Compact USB Masterkeyboard for the road or your mini-studio. 32 velocity sensitive keys, chord memory, arpeggiator
Item-Nr.: SYN0003868-000
Item-Nr.: SYN0005420-000
The Miditech minicontrol-32 MIDI Keyboard is a 32-key model featuring a pitch-bend-wheel and modulation wheel with a volume slider, octave transpose function and three velocity curves. The minicont...
Item-Nr.: SYN0008370-000
USB keyboard controller with velocity sensitive keyboard, 25 mini keys, arpeggiator, MIDI out and free software package.
Item-Nr.: SYN0008369-000
Item-Nr.: SYN0004973-000
The Korg microKEY Air 25 Bluetooth MIDI Keyboard is a Bluetooth MIDI keyboard, featuring 25 keys on a Natural Touch mini-keyboard, featuring controls including joystick, arpeggiator button, su...
Item-Nr.: SYN0004970-000
Item-Nr.: SYN0007606-000
The compact DAW keyboard controller with MPC pads, encoders, arpeggiator and joystick is the ideal companion for space-conscious musicians.
Item-Nr.: SYN0007606-002
The DAW keyboard controller with MPC pads, encoders, arpeggiator and joystick is the ideal companion for space-conscious musicians.
Item-Nr.: SYN0008189-000
The FLkey Mini USB/MIDI Masterkeyboard is specially tailored to the interface and handling of FL Studio / Fruity Loops.
Item-Nr.: SYN0007606-001
Item-Nr.: SYN0007606-004
The DAW keyboard controller with MPC pads, encoders, arpeggiator and joystick is the ideal companion for space-conscious musicians
Item-Nr.: SYN0006876-000
Get a firm grip on your VST instruments and effects with the 32-minute-key master keyboard controller.
Item-Nr.: SYN0004971-000
The Korg microKEY 49 MKII Compact MIDI Keyboard is a compact MIDI keyboard, featuring a natural touch mini-keyboard, with 49 keys, a pitch bend wheel, a modulation wheel, and octave shift buttons. ...
Item-Nr.: SYN0008067-000
USB master keyboard with velocity sensitive keyboard, arpeggiator, DAW control, MPC pads and assignable knobs.
Item-Nr.: SYN0007740-000
USB Keyboard Controller with velocity sensitive keyboard, 32 mini keys, Smart Chord, Smart Scale, Fader, MIDI Out
Item-Nr.: PCM0016655-000
Item-Nr.: SYN0005122-000
The Arturia KeyStep (White) is a USB/MIDI Keyboard Controller with CV/Gate Connections and a Polyphonic Step-Sequencer.
Item-Nr.: SYN0008141-000
USB DAW controller, 25 velocity sensitive keys, over 100 sounds, improved speaker, up to 16 MPC style pads.
Item-Nr.: SYN0009144-000
Masterkeyboard, USB, MIDI, membrane keyboard, 25 keys, ribbon controller, arpeggiator, chord mode, 15 scales, MIDI out
Item-Nr.: SYN0009050-000
USB master keyboard, controller, 25 mini keys, 8 encoders, 16 AT pads, arpeggiator, DAW integration, software package, Ableton
Item-Nr.: SYN0009144-001
Item-Nr.: SYN0005233-000
The Korg nanoKONTROL Studio USB Bluetooth Controller is a slim-line, portable studio MIDI controller and works via Bluetooth, allowing the user hands on, mouse free control over your DAW anywhere a...