The Steinberg HALion 6 is a wavetable synthesizer that multiplies sound creation possibilities with breath-taking new tools and instruments for modern composers and sound designers. This next-generation model features breakthrough editing and analysis tools that leave nothing to be desired. The new Live Sampling Editor allows you to map and play your sounds directly into the HALion. Six new instruments expand your library with over 25 GB high-quality samples. The new MacroPage Designer, the introduction of HALion Script and the practical Library Creator make creating your own tools easier than ever.
With a gigantic collection of oscillators, envelopes and tools, HALion Live Sampling allows you to record samples from internal or external sources directly into HALion to cut and mate sounds with the new Live Sampling Editor for instantly playable samples in the shortest possible time.
HALion Script is powerful, fast and easy to learn, allowing you to create countless new sound design options with enhanced instrument response and custom script modules. The Library Creator lets you create and export VST sound libraries of self-created instruments for HALion and HALion Sonic quickly and easily. HALion 6 comes with six new instrument libraries including acoustic instruments, a stunning Wavetable synthesizer and goose-producing movie sounds. The resonator expands the extensive arsenal of integrated effects.
So far I have found it easy to use and have not struggled at all. I have come to it as my first proper sampler from previously having used HyperSonic, then HalionSonic 3 SE, so the basic interface is familiar. The 'new' bit for me is the ability to load my own samples and then manipulate them (and of course the bundled samples if I wish).
As an all in one workstation it's excellent and I have already started using some of the sounds and getting very believable results - a sax that really is convincing if you write proper sax parts! It's good that the full version of HalionSonic 3 is included as that gives an intermediary level of sound editing and can access the libraries of sounds that don't come with the free SE version - this also gives you a good 'stepping stone' to the full blown Halion 6 itself.
I would have liked to give 5 stars but decided on 4 for a few minor reasons:
One being that I still can't quite see the point of including the (relatively few) intrinsically toytown sounds in the libraries. These are usually labelled 'GM' but personally I would either not include them at all (and give us more good sounds) or sub label them as 'Naff' :)
Second being that I am not sure that the 'realness' of some of the included sounds is quite up to say, major film production, maybe, but I get the feeling you might want to import some 3rd party libraries for absolute top notch 'Hollywood' level projects - I mention this because the implication in the sales blurb rather suggests you could do that type of work 'out of the box' - but I maybe wrong, just a first impression.
Third being that I simply haven't had enough time with the actual sampler import/editing to give a fully informed opinion - however I do not anticipate any problems and there is a massive user base to ask questions of if I need to.
All in all I am very happy, and it was a great deal from DV247 at 30% of the Steinberg list price - nice!