The AJH Synth Multi Burst Envelopes at a glance
With Multi Burst Envelopes AJH Synth introduces an impressive and at the same time very versatile envelope. The module generates eight different envelope variants that are triggered 1-40 times in succession per trigger/gate. Typical envelope parameters are not found here, instead for Attack and Release the width respectively the time course is set with P-Width. Slope determines whether the level of the bursts increases from 0 to 100 when the envelope is set to the left or decreases from 100 to 0 when the envelope is set to the right. If Slope is in the middle position, all bursts have the same level. The internal LFO determines the timing of the bursts, this can be replaced by an external clock or be based on the value entered with Clock Tap. Since each parameter including the envelope shape has its own CV input, complex modulations similar to envelopes, enormously variable in tempo and sequence, can be quickly implemented with the inclusion of additional control voltage sources. Incredible what comes out when a slow, BPM-synchronized LFO with triangle waveform cyclically kicks in another envelope shape while a sequencer triggers the module with Gates!
Multi Burst Envelopes is perfect for patches where neither a classic ADSR envelope, nor an LFO should be the tool of choice. On the one hand the module delivers reproducible results, which are equally suitable for ambient, generic music but also all styles in a technoid context, on the other hand extremely lively control voltage characteristics are possible, where dynamics is the salt in the soup.