ESI 's eXtra 10 offers a good introduction to the use of modeled headphone sound. Especially in rooms that do not have optimal sound characteristics, the idea of shifting the work process to headphones is obvious. This eliminates unwanted room reflections and room modes from the outset. However, these room components are also an essential part of a listening experience. The eXtra 10 offers a compromise here: Work with headphones that feel like you don't have them on.
The software lets you test your mix in different listening environments. It only takes a single click to make the headphones sound like the sound is on hi-fi speakers, like it's coming from the room next door, or like you're listening to it with your earpods. The song can thus be mixed completely without removing the headphones even once.
To ensure that the eXtra 10 does not become uncomfortable even when working for long periods of time, it has been designed to be very light. Its construction has been optimized to fit any head size. At the same time, it has particularly durable and insulated ear pads.