With ANA 2, Mystic Circuits presents the second Generationanalog logic module. ANA 2 differs from other logic modules in that it can process variable analog signals and generate a variable analog output instead of just using binary on-off grids. In short, ANA 2 is an analog Swiss Army knife for mixing, Boolean logic, rectification, crossfading, voltage sampling, ring modulation, multiplexing, gate conversion, bizarre waveform shaping and more. The module processes control voltages and audio signals, and you always get more at the outputs than you feed in. There are nine related but distinct outputs that can be derived from a single voltage source or even from no input at all. Furthermore, ANA 2 has two multiplier CV inputs that control a bipolar VCA that acts on each main input.
Overview of the outputs
MIN - Minimum: Outputs the lowest voltage between both inputs
MIX - Mixture: Mixes both input channels together
MAX - Maximum: Outputs the highest voltage between the two inputs
XOR - Exclusive OR: analogous XOR linking, behaves like a through-zero clipper
CUT - Bizarre Non-Linear Waveshaper: Unique circuit that behaves like a mixture of a Wavefolder and a Crossfader
MAG - Amplitude: Outputs the difference between the two inputs
STEP - Track & Hold: Random voltage processor, similar to other smooth/stepped random generators
SWAP - Switch: switches between the two inputs
BOX - Comparator: Three-stage square wave based on both inputs