Compressor effect pedal for electric guitar, made in the USA.
Analogue, electro-optical circuitry
Built-in through-hole assembly with high-quality components
Compression control for the intensity of the signal compression
Output gain control for the pedal volume
True bypass
Sturdy metal housing
Operation with optional available power supply or 9V battery
Compressor effect pedal from Paul Reed Smith.
With the PRS Mary Cries, Paul Reed Smith presents a classic analog compressor that clearly takes its sonic cues from one of the greatest classics in studio history. The electro-optical circuit, which is built in a complex through-hole assembly and with high-quality components, promises a particularly smooth compression, which is not only suitable for subtly smoothing level peaks, but also for enormously enriching the sound or extending the sustain when playing slide. While the Compression knob affects the strength of the signal compression, the Output Gain knob determines the volume of the pedal, with enough reserves for a rich Boost ready.