The SPL Phonitor 2 Headphone Amplifier Silver is a headphone amplifier and preamp/monitor controller, featuring a 4Hz - 480kHz frequency range, and a silver finish. The Phonitor 2 is the successor to SPL's excellent headphone amplifier. SPL's innovative 120-volt- technology have been retreaded and could be even further improved. In addition, the SPL Phonitor 2 is not only a headphone amp but also a monitor controller and preamplifier. Despite these new additional features and enhancements, it is very gratifying that the price has remained the same.
The main features of the SPL Phonitor 2 Headphone Amplifier Silver include:
120 volt headphone amplifier and -preamp/monitor-controller
For all headphones with impedances from 10 ohms (balanced headphones from 40 ohms)
Volume control with any remote control
Maximum output power: 3640 mW (30.16 Veff/250 ohms)
Frequency range: 4Hz to 480kHz (-3dB)
Distortion: headphone 0.00091%, line output 0.00085%