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Waldorf Iridium
Desktop digital synthesizer
The Waldorf IRIDIUM Keyboard:
Digital Synthesizer
High quality 49 keys Fatar keyboard
Polyphonic aftertouch
Dual timbral: split, layered or Unisono mode
16 voices
3 Stereo oscillators with five synthesis shapes each
Wavetable: Waldorfstyle with the latest Nave technology including speech synthesis and generation of Wavetables from external audio sources
Waveform: Waveform with up to 8 simultaneous waveforms per oscillator in detuned or chordal mode with hard sync, warp, PWM as well as pitchable noise
Particle: granular sampler with multi-sampling and traditional sampling mode
Resonator: exciter with multi-sampling and filterbank modeling
Kernel: a meticulously structured tool for creating futuristic experimental and FM-like sounds
Two digital Multimode filters per voice with innovative link mode
Digital shaper: additional digital algorithms per voice like comb filter, high, low & Bandpass as well as notch filters (Nave, Largo or PPG models), bit crusher, Drive and more
Flexible routing system for the arrangement of digital filters, digital formers and oscillator routing
6 LFOs
6 loopable envelopes
Complex modulator
Extensive modulation matrix with up to 40 entries
Master effects with 5 slots each for both timbres with effects like phaser, flanger, chorus, reverb, drive, EQ and more
Step sequencer with parameter automation and scale-based pitch quantization
Visual sound editing via the high-resolution multitouch display
The Waldorf Iridium at a glance
The IRIDIUM keyboard is based on the highly acclaimed desktop version and is in no way inferior to it in terms of sound. In addition, both versions are a modification of the exceptional QUANTUM synthesizer, which can be considered a milestone in the history of synthesizers. A modification of the IRIDIUM means that the instrument shines with 16 voices and has outstanding digital Multimode filters. Keyboard fans can look forward to the high-quality49-key FATAR keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch and velocity. The 16 pads of the desktop version are not available on the keyboard version, but the area to the left of the keyboard has been expanded considerably, which more than lives up to the term "performance section". Eight control voltage inputs and outputs on the rear panel allow to control the IRIDIUM with components of a Eurorack modular system or semi-modular synthesizer.
At the heart of the Iridium are its three digital oscillators, each with five selectable synthesis modes:
Wavetable: Waldorfstyle with the latest Nave technology including speech synthesis and generation of Wavetables from external audio sources
Waveform: Waveform with up to 8 simultaneous waveforms per oscillator in detuned or chordal mode with hard sync, warp, PWM as well as pitchable noise
Particle: Granular sampler with multi-sampling and traditional sampling mode
Resonator: exciter with multi-sampling and filterbank modeling
Kernel: a meticulously structured tool for creating futuristic experimental sounds and FM-like sounds
The oscillators on their own do some incredible things and offer an enormous range of different sounds. Since there are even more parameters under the hood that can also be modulated at various times, new sound creations are likely to be an ongoing process in the best sense. The filter of the Iridium is an excellent, dual Multimode filter of digital origin and covers a wide spectrum of resonant and attenuated sounds. The elaborate signal chain is completed by five simultaneously available effects like delay, reverb, chorus, Flanger or Phaser and the Master compressor.
With six loopable envelopes and LFOs as well as the Complex Modulator, which is a mixture of two LFOs with self-drawn(!) waveforms and envelope, you have enough options at hand besides the usual modulation sources like e.g. Velocity or Aftertouch to fill the 40-entry modulation matrix and thus breathe life into the sound at almost any point.
The high-resolution multi-touch display allows convenient access to every parameter and visually implements every move on the control panel. With captivating precision, it displays real-time changes in the sound at various stages of the synthesis process. It is the same size as the Quantum's, plus it is surrounded by the same set of knobs and buttons.
Sequencer, Arpeggiator, Chord & Macros
To the left of the keyboard is the so-called performance section; in addition to proven standards such as the octave selection and the two handwheels for Pitchbend and modulation as well as the hold button (latch), some direct accesses are offered here. Mono switches between monophonic and polyphonic playing for the current patch. Chord allows you to create a chord. Seq/Arp leads directly to the appropriate menu page on the touchscreen and changes between sequencer and arpeggiator when pressed again. The six self-definable macros are a great help when using the IRIDIUM keyboard, because you can define yourself which function you want to get to the fastest and which action. For example, you can directly jump to the recording area of the sequencer or switch Glide on/off.
Waldorf Iridium Keyboard Synthesizer Sounddemo
Exclusive!! Waldorf Iridium Synthesizer keyboard version