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Toontrack Metalheads EZX Expansion Pack

Item: PCM0010345-000
Toontrack Metalheads EZX Expansion Pack    Product Image
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One world-renowned drummer, Tomas Haake, member of the extreme metal band Meshuggah. One in demand producer, Daniel Be...  All product info

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One world-renowned drummer, Tomas Haake, member of the extreme metal band Meshuggah.

One in demand producer, Daniel Bergstrand, whose mixing and producing credits include the likes of In Flames, Strapping Young Lad, Soilwork and Meshuggah, just to name a few.

Two Incredible drum sets, assembled and recorded to metal perfection, ready to bring your metal productions to the next level. And, for the first time in Toontrack history, we’ve included Separate mix channels in the EZdrummer mixer, containing kick and snare drum samples designed by Daniel Bergstrand, that augment these already amazingly recorded drums.

Twelve classic Meshuggah songs, captured flawlessly via MIDI by Tomas Haake himself, organized both as full songs as well as song parts so you can customize, dissect and use his grooves and drumming brilliance to inspire or create your next grand metal composition.

Instrumenten Liste: Kickdrums: 14x26" Ludwig Amber VistaLite; 18x22" Sonor Tomas Haake Custom SQ2 Snaredrums: 6.5x14" Ludwig Supraphonic 402; 6.5x14" Pearl Reference Hats: 14" Sabian HHX Power Hats Racktom 1: 9x12" DW Collectors Series; 8x10" Sonor Tomas Haake Custom Racktom 2: 10x13" DW Collectors Series; 9x12" Sonor Tomas Haake Custom Racktom 3: 11x14" DW Collectors Series; 10x14" Sonor Tomas Haake Custom Floortom 1: 13x16" DW Collectors Series; 16x16" Sonor Tomas Haake Custom Floortom 2: 14x18" DW Collectors Series; 17x18" Sonor Tomas Haake Custom Rides: 22" Sabian Tomas Haake Custom Power Bell Ride; 22" Sabian HHX Legacy Ride Pos 1: 16" Sabian HHX Stage Crash; 12" Sabian HH Splash Pos 2: 18" Sabian HHX Stage Crash; Sabian Alu Bell Pos 3: 19" Sabian HHX Stage Crash; Erik Thyselius Custom Bell Pos 4: 19" Sabian HHX Stage Crash; 8" Sabian HH Splash Pos 5: 20" Sabian HHX Stage Crash; Sabian Resonating Bell Pos 6: 22" Sabian HHX Stage Crash China 1: 19" Sabian Paragon Chinese China 2: 19" Sabian AAXtreme Chinese Splash: 10" Sabian HH Splash; 12" Sabian HH Splash Spock: 16" Sabian HH Thin Crash /19" Paragon Chinese

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  • Manufacturer: Toontrack
  • Software type: Soundlibrary
  • Plattform: Mac/PC
  • Supported plug-in formats: VST/AU/AAX
  • Boxed: Yes
Toontrack Metalheads EZX Expansion Pack    Product ImageToontrack Metalheads EZX Expansion Pack

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