The Marshall SV20H Studio Vintage Head brings the brute volume of the legendary Marshall 1959 to room-ready levels. The compact version of the classic 'Plexi' offers not only the classic appearance, but also the coveted voicing of the original for studio and recording purposes. For this purpose, the Studio Vintage Head was equipped with a serial effects loop with an additional activation switch and a DI output including speaker simulation, while the power of the amplifier can be limited from 20W in low mode to 5W. Thus the EL34 power amp of the Mini-Boliden produces rich tube sounds even at low volumes with the Loudness control open.
5W/20W Options
Depending on the application, the high and low mode of the standby switch offers different power ratings for different applications. For bedroom shredding and recording purposes the power amp can be limited to 5W in low mode, which prohibits the dynamic range, but allows the power amp to be expanded further to achieve classically rich Marshall sounds. In the 20W high mode, the Studio Vintage is able to provide adequate sound even for rehearsals and small gigs.
The main features of the Marshall SV20H Studio Vintage Head include:
Although this amp is based on a superlead ( which I’ve owned ) it doesn’t really capture the tone. That said what it does do is so addictive. It’s very easy to go into crunch territory & it’s quite touch sensitive , which is what Marshall do best. I would recommend an attenuator as even on the 5w mode it’s loud
Especially for home use. I’ve tried single coil, P90’s & Humbuckers & this amp loves them all. Brilliant it to bits.
Great price for a perfect classic rock sound... gain compresses very nicely.. amp is not noisy just feels and sounds solid. Mine had some of the covering on the corners not perfect but doesn’t take away how nice it looks and smells... For the size and weight of this it is absolutely stellar!