The G7TH Newport CSP Capo
Twelve String. Designed for musicians who expect the highest precision, easy handling and perfect intonationIntonation:
Intonation refers to the correct tuning of the individual strings of a guitar. Adjusting the scale length ensures that all notes played on a string sound at the correct pitch., this capoCapo:
A capo (Italian capotasto = main fret) is a small device that is clamped onto the neck of a guitar to raise the pitch of the strings. By shortening the effective neck offers everything to get the best out of the instrument.
With its specially adapted design, the G7th Newport CSP Capo is ideally suited to the wider necks of 12-string guitars. It allows for even pressure across all stringsStrings:
Strings are thin metal or nylon strings that are stretched across the body of a guitar. They produce tones when struck or plucked. Different sounds are produced depending on the thickness and material of the strings. so that clear, clean tones are articulated without string buzzing or detuning - no matter where on the fretboardFretboard:
The fretboard is the part of the guitar on which the strings are fretted to produce different tones. It is made of wood and has metal frets that mark the different pitches..
Thanks to its innovative screw tension system, the capo can also be adjusted quickly and precisely. A simple twist is all it takes to set the optimum pressure - no tedious readjustment, no unnecessary tension. This not only protects the strings, but also the guitar.