High quality Rycote Windjammer for Shure MV88-iOS clip-on microphones. With this windjammer you can effectively reduce wind noise that can occur during outdoor recordings and up to 50 dB.
Everyone knows that iPhones can take ever-improving video - and also that their audio capabilities remain somewhere back in 2002. So Shure offer their lightning port MV88. It's a vast improvement. But it TOTALLY require a decent windshield - which is this. Recite make the best acoustic fur shields in the business, and while it may not be cheap, it is very effective. Without this windshield, the MV88 only an indoor mic. With it, you have a functional stereo recording system that is surprisingly good, even on the windy hilltops. Not entirely foolproof - you need an isolation space like a blimp for that - but for iPhone audio this windshield is an absolutely integral addition to the Mv88. But then both, keep them together, and be surprised how effective the iPhone can be for video/audio.
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