Rat King Modular's Random Sequencer
is a random voltage generator that sequentially outputs quantized CVs in eight or sixteen steps. This, together with the clock output, predestines the module as a generic pattern supplier without paying attention to repeatability. As a sequencer, the module naturally accepts any signal that can specify a clock; internally, the clock rate can be set to eight milliseconds and 50 seconds using potentiometers. There are two CV inputs for the clock and the coincidence itself.
The Rat King Modular Random Sequencer:
Eurorack module
Random generator
8/16 tiered randomness
Genuine coincidence
Clock Generator (8 ms - 50 s)
CV inputs for Clock and Random
4 TE width / 21 mm depth
+12 V: 20 mA / -12 V: 0 mA
RANDOM SEQUENCER - Rat King Modular - 8 & 16 Step (and full random) Sequencer Module Demo