Noise Engineering Manis Iteritas Alia Black at a glance:
The Manis Iteritas AliaBlack from Noise Engineering is a digital sawtooth oscillator based on the Basimilus Iteritas. The sound generation is composed of additive synthesis and phase-modulated synthesis and is provided in easy-to-use: Skin is a 6-oscillator model with Additive Synthesis, Liquid is like Skin but with an additional pitch envelope and Metal with two 3-operator PM oscillators. This tone generator masters a good spectrum of nice respectively familiar sounding sawtooth sounds, but shines even more when the attributes are hard, gritty, distorted, chaotic and industrial. The Profundity parameter varies the sound between Detune and a chorus effect. Saw Mod behaves like PWM but on a sawtooth basis which is very perfect for rave-like sounds. LPF is a resonance-less lowpass filter that removes the overtones from the extremely rich sound. Smash is a wave destroyer; "wrecking ball for waveforms" would be flattering here. Bashroutes the internal envelope to Smash, Profundity and LPF and is also the attenuator for the selected destination. The frequency range is switchable in three sections which allows for a more targeted adjustment of the sounds.
Exchangeable firmware
Alia is an oscillator platform that allows software interchangeability similar to Versio and Legio. Via the Noise Engineering homepage one gets access to the Alia page where one can find alternative firmwares for free.