CAGED, the school of Gil Beckers, teaches step by step the knowledge to understand, to recognize and to master the fingerboard and its harmonic connections. This book is suitable for young people and adults who want to approach this topic either in self-study or with a teacher.
The textbook covers all church keys (Doric, Phrygian, etc.) as well as major and minor pentatonic. In each chapter there is a general description of the scales, different licks and a jam track. In the final chapter, the possible combinations of different modes are introduced and practiced.
CHAPTER 1 - Overview of the scales and their structure
CHAPTER 2 - The magic number five and the idea of the CAGED system
2.1 The five keynote boxes
2.2 The five fingering patterns
2.3 Five boxes and five patterns - The principle of the CAGED system
The following chapter structure:
Representation of the scale
Licks- and Jam-Track in ...
Combination Exercise
To the following scales
CHAPTER 3 - Ionian
CHAPTER 4 - Aeolian
CHAPTER 5 - Mixolydian
CHAPTER 6 - Doric
CHAPTER 7 - Lydian
CHAPTER 8 - Phrygian
CHAPTER 9 - Locrian
CHAPTER 10 - Minor pentatonic
10.1 The Five Fingering Patterns of the Pentatonic
10.3 Licks and Blues for Minor Pentatonic
CHAPTER 11 - Major Pentatonic
CHAPTER - Combination of the different modes
12.1 Blues: Combination of minor and major pentatonic and Mixolydian