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Bastl Instruments Crust

Item: SYN0008992-000
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Digital drum voice with 2-layer structure, flexible envelope, filter, clipping, shaper and assertive sound.  All product info

€ 259.00
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Bastl Instruments Crust

Digital drum voice

  • 2-layer architecture (Tone & Noise)
  • Pitch precisely adjustable via Octave, Detune, Pitch Sweep, Semi & Fine
  • 4 TONE shaping algorithms: FM, FM2, RING and DUAL
  • 4 NOISE level with filter and 4 algorithms: WHITE, BIT, CLAP and METALIC
  • LAYER fader for level mixing
  • ENV control with split Decay / Attack-Decay control
  • TIMBRE section with FILTER, CLIP and SHAPE for final sound shaping
  • Velocity input can be used as an input for an external envelope
  • CV inputs for Layer, CTRL, Velocity, Trigger, 1V/Oct & Env CV
  • Envelope CV Out
  • Audio Out (mono)
  • Micro-USB port for firmware updates
  • Interchangeable or (e.g. Pizza or Basil OS)

Digital Drum Voice from Bastl Instruments

With Crust, Bastl Instruments presents the third module from the Pizza series. This time it is a digital Drum voice with a flexible sound repertoire. The sound architecture consists of two crossfadeable layers made up of Tone with two oscillators and Noise. Tight Drum sounds require special attention to the transients; Crust has everything you need with pitch envelope, layer mixing, FM envelope and Transient Shaper with hard clipping. The TONE side has four oscillator configurations (FM, FM2, Dual and ring modulation), a pitch envelope, detune, V/Oct input and SHAPE tone control. The NOISE side has a built-inlowpass/highpass filter and four modes (white noise, clap, bit and metallic). The LAYER fader is used to switch between the two sound components, but also adjusts their relative decay envelope to achieve drum kit-like playability. Turned clockwise, the envelope control functions as a typical Decay envelope and thus generates the familiar time progressions from Piuuuuu to Boom. If you turn the control counter-clockwise from the center position, it becomes an attack/decay envelope, which provides shakers, reversed and synth timbres. The TIMBRE section focuses either on the entire sound body or on the transient phase. The final element in the signal path is the CLIP distortion stage with soft clipping and bass boost or a Transient Shaper with hard clipping. Both give the sound a round to heavy hardness that you would expect from a modern drum module. The bipolar CTRL control with CV input can be assigned to almost any parameter, and there are even more under the hood. As a result, the module remains compact despite its wealth of functions and can be adapted to the new situation with a flick of the wrist.

Bastl Instruments Crust Digital Drum Voice


  • Manufacturer: Bastl Instruments
  • TE / HP: 8
  • Depth (mm): 24
  • + 12 V (mA): 90
  • - 12 V (mA): 20
  • Sample based: No
Bastl Instruments Crust Product ImageBastl Instruments Crust
€ 259.00
€ 333.00
€ 259.00
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