The DPA 2006C Compact Twin Diaphragm Omni Microphone similar to the acclaimed DPA 4006, with Twin Diaphragm Capsule technology for a more premium sound. The 2006 Compact is well balanced for an overall accurate sound image.
The 2006C from DPA can be used to record Acoustic piano, guitar, wind instruments and choirs are among the most evident applications. In a 2006 capsule two opposite facing miniature capsules are custom re-built into a double diaphragm, one-capsule composition. This combines the advantages of small capsules (fast impulse response and large frequency bandwidth) with lower inherent noise achieved from a larger diaphragm area.
The capsules are loaded to the supreme Reference Standard preamps instead of the tiny miniature FET preamp from the miniature mics, offering even more air and precision.
The main features of the 2006C include: