Pearl MCT925XEP/C838 Masters Maple Complete Satin Sakura Coral
Pearl MCT925XEP Masters Maple Complete - overview:
Shell material: maple
Construction: 6 plies
Shell thickness: 5,4 mm
45° bearing edge
SuperHoop II
Aluminum OptiMount Suspension System
Remo heads
Pearl CL Bridge Lugs
Finish: Satin Sakura Coral (matte lacquer)
Scope of delivery
22"x18" Bass Drum
10"x7" Tom
12"x8" Tom
14"x12" Floor Tom
16"x14" Floor Tom
Pearl MCT925XEP Masters Maple Complete in a video:
High-End Pearl Drumset with Remo heads
The Pearl MCT925XEP/C838 Masters Maple Complete Satin Sakura Coral represents the highest quality in terms of workmanship and sound. The Pearl shell set includes a 22 x18" Bass drum, 10"x7" and 12"x8" Toms as well as a 14"x12" and a 16"x14" floor tom. The high-quality shells made of six layers of finest maple and a wall thickness of 5.4 mm produce a warm and balanced basic sound with pleasant sustain. This is due to the significantly reduced shell thickness and the SST technology from Pearl, in which the individual layers of maple are cross-glued in a special process.The equipment of the shells offers SuperHoops II, aluminum OptiMount suspension and Remo heads, as well as a cushion in the Bass drum.
Outstanding shell hardware: Pearl MCT925XEP/C838 Masters Maple Complete Satin Sakura Coral
Triple flanged SuperHoops II guarantee solid tuning stability and tonal control, furthermore the Masters Maple Complete Bass drums are equipped with SP30 legs, the Floor Tom with LB40 legs by Pearl. Cast iron claws on the Bass Drum and CL lugs allow full sound development in any situation, as the tom mount exploits the full sound potential.
Scope of Delivery:
Size tom 1: 10" x 7"
Size tom 2: 12" x 8"
Size floor tom 1: 14" x 12"
Size floor tom 2: 16" x 14"
Size bassdrum: 22" x 18"
with 22" Bass Drum
Shell Material:
Shell Surface:
Lacquered Matte
Shell Hardware:
Hoop Material:
Freely Swinging Tom Mount:
Bass Drum with Rosette:
Size tom 1:
10" x 7"
Size tom 2:
12" x 8"
Size floor tom 1:
14" x 12"
Size floor tom 2:
16" x 14"
Size bassdrum:
22" x 18"
Air suspension rubber feet:
Rubber Gasket Lined Bass Drum Claws:
Pre-dampened Bass Drum Head:
Number of Layers bassdrum:
Number of Layer toms:
Shell Thickness bassdrum (mm):
Shell Thickness toms (mm):
Pearl MCT925XEP/C838 Masters Maple Complete Satin Sakura Coral