AJH Synth'sTriple Cross features three independent crossfader/panning channels that can be modulated with audio and CV signals. Each channel can be used in one of four ways:
One in, one Out as linear VCA
Two inputs, one output as crossfader
One input, two outputs as panner
Two inputs, two outputs as combined Crossfader and reverse panner
Triple Cross Inputs
The control voltage inputs can also be used to modulate the audio rate and create sounds with ring modulation and Crossmodulation. Each channel has its own fade control, CV input and bipolar CV attenuator. These can be used together to affect incoming CV signals. The L outputs of channels 1 and 2 are normalized to the inputs of channel 3, which also have their own level controls to match signals. This allows for very interesting, complex crossfades and pannings between four different input sources, which are output on either mono or stereo outputs.