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After Later Audio Brooks

Item: SYN0008498-000
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After Later Audio Brooks, oscillator, analog, Thru-Zero FM, LFO mode, hard sync, soft sync, Eurorack, modular system  All product info

€ 121.80
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After Later Audio Brooks

Analog oscillator

  • Thru-Zero FM
  • Frequency range 10 octaves
  • Range switch
  • LFO mode
  • Hard Sync
  • Soft Sync (Reverse)
  • Outputs for square wave, sawtooth, triangle, sine wave


After Later Audio Brooks at a glance

Brooks from After Later Audio is a compact analog oscillator with Thru-Zero FM. The tone generator can be switched to LFO mode if needed and offers the four waveforms square, sawtooth, triangle and sine. The range of the pitch control is set with the Range switch, which also allows more precise frequency adjustments. In addition to the Hard Sync input, Soft Sync is also offered, this input does not force a restart of the waveform with every wave cycle. Brooks' FM input results in a Thru-Zero circuit; unlike normal FM, where an oscillator stops momentarily when a negative voltage pulls the frequency down to 0 Hz, Brooks reverses the polarity of its waveforms until a positive voltage brings it back above 0 Hz. With this feature, Brooks qualifies equally as a stand-alone tone generator and as a modulation oscillator; no matter whether in the audio or LFO range.


  • Manufacturer: After Later Audio
  • TE / HP: 4
  • Depth (mm): 25
  • + 12 V (mA): 30
  • - 12 V (mA): 15
After Later Audio Brooks Product ImageAfter Later Audio Brooks
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