Note/trigger output via MIDI & CV/Gate simultaneously
Two-octave keyboard
4 track reset inputs
4 track CV inputs
Clock & Reset In & Out
MIDI In & Out
USB host (e.g. for a MIDI master keyboard)
Ground Control Standalone - this is 's performance sequencer for eleven instruments with pattern memory and song mode. The module takes its task to heart and takes over the control of eight drum triggers including Accent track as well as three full-fledged CV/Gate tracks. Notes and triggers are output simultaneously via MIDI and CV/Gate. Programming is done on a length of up to four bars (64 steps) using the built-in two-octave keyboard in 303 or SH-101Style respectively in TR mode. Per track 24 patterns can be stored; Ground Control remembers up to 24 songs in the internal memory. An arpeggiator, step-roll, realtime transpose and pattern-length related muting complete the intervention possibilities besides recording and editing. The standalone version is the Ground Control Eurorack module, which comes in a separate 42TE case and with an additional power supply.
Equipped for every situation
Thanks to the many connections, Ground Control's application possibilities are multiplied: For each track (for the eight drum triggers combined as a D-track) there are Reset and CV inputs, with which the sequences can be manipulated in real time by other Eurorack modules via Gate and control voltage. Besides the Eurorack compatible Clock and Reset inputs and outputs, the sequencer can be connected via MIDI and USB on the input and output side. As a USB device connected to a DAW, it can play a plug-in there, or in the opposite way it receives note data from the DAW, which can be output as control voltages on a total of eleven tracks. The USB-host port is ideal for connecting a master keyboard, so that the tracks can be played directly with a real keyboard.