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Liquid Sky D-Vices GLITHc

Item: SYN0008913-000
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GLITHc from Liquid Sky DVices is an exceptional expansion module for the V4CO wavetable oscillator.  All product info
Liquid Sky D-Vices

€ 524.20 ca. kr 5,750.21
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Liquid Sky DVices GLITHc

Expander for V4CO

  • Extension module for V4CO
  • BANK/WAVE sequencing
  • Manipulation of wavetables
  • 8 CV inputs for Main Wavetable Select
  • 8 CV inputs for Sub Wavetable Select
  • 8 single-bit inputs and outputs for main oscillator
  • 8 single-bit inputs and outputs for sub-oscillator
  • 4 logic functions (AND, OR, NAND, NOR)
  • 3 non-consecutive mini-sequencers
  • 2 multiples
  • MIDI In
  • 3 MIDI Thru

GLITHc from Liquid Sky DVices is an extraordinary expansion module for the V4CO Wavetable oscillator. The expander enables the deepest interventions in the circuits of the main module. Circuit bending is the magic word here! With eight control voltage inputs each for the main oscillator and the sub-oscillator, all positions in the Wavetables can be run through. The eight single-bit inputs and outputs, which are available in parallel for the main and sub-oscillators, are even more special. This allows individual wavetable bits to be exchanged within a tone generator and even with those of the other oscillator. All these non-destructive interventions take the 8-bit sound character of the oscillator to a whole new level Level. Glitches, phase cancellations, noisy, chiptunes, noise, but also modern ambient and sound effects with a highly experimental approach are revealed here. But that's not all: GLITHc offers a MIDI input in TRS format to play the V4CO directly from the master sequencer. Conveniently, three MIDI Thru outputs have also been implemented. The two multiples are useful aids for distributing any signal to three destinations. The four logic functions AND, OR, NAND and NOR open the door to even more unusual signal combinations. Finally, there are three non-consecutive mini-sequencers that can be integrated into sequencers.

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Liquid Sky d-vices #V4CO & GLITHc BOARD eXPENDR jam

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Liquid Sky D-Vices - V4CO + Expander


  • Manufacturer: Liquid Sky d-vices
  • TE / HP: 40
  • Depth (mm): 60
  • + 12 V (mA): 30
  • - 12 V (mA): 10
  • Passive: No
Liquid Sky D-Vices GLITHc Product ImageLiquid Sky D-Vices GLITHc
€ 524.20

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