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Meinl Tuning Fork Set Chakra, TF-SET-CHA-7, 7 pcs.

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Meinl Tuning Fork Set Chakra, TF-SET-CHA-7, 7 pcs. Product Image
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Sonic Energy, Tuning Fork, Ergonomic Cork Handles, including Stand, Spherical, Relaxation, Meditation  All product info

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Meinl Tuning Fork Set Chakra

Orbital Frequencies

On the basis of a calculation of the planetary constellations in our solar system, Hans Cousto managed to determine the exact frequencies of the individual planets and asteroids in relation to the sun. Decisive was on the one hand the duration, which the object needs for the unique orbit, the sun lying in the center, as well as the duration of the rotation on the own axis. By multiple octavation of these recorded frequency ranges, a sound audible to the human ear can be derived and converted into the form of various instruments.

History and application areas

The assumption that the entire universe is based on tonal harmonies is not a modern idea. Already the legendary Pythagoras and his followers saw a close connection between tonal harmonies and the peculiarities of the celestial bodies known to them. Numerous theories and treatises have been dealing with this phenomenon since time immemorial and are mainly used in the esoteric field and in musical therapies.

Sonic Energy Collection

The instrument range of the renowned manufacturer Meinl is based on this concept of musical healing and offers bars, gongs, energy chimes, singing bowls and cymbals in the tunings of all planets of our solar system. All of them are perfectly suited for spherical, meditative and healing sound experiences; alone or in a group.

The Meinl Tuning Fork Set Chakra:

  • Quantity: 7 tuning forks
  • Contains 7 tuning forks from the Sonic Energy Collection
  • All 7 chakra tunings in one set
  • Stand is included
  • Made in Germany

Frequencies of the tuning forks

  • Tuning Fork 1 Root Chakra - Muladhara (Primal Trust) Synodic Day 194.18 Hz / G3
  • Tuning Fork 2 Sacral Chakra - Swadhisthana (Sexuality) Synodic Moon 210.42 Hz / G3#
  • Tuning Fork 3 Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura (Power) Sun 126.22 Hz / B2 (H2)
  • Tuning Fork 4 Heart Chakra - Anahata (Love) Earth 136.10 Hz / C3#
  • Tuning Fork 5 Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (Communication) Mercury 141.27 Hz / C3#
  • Tuning Fork 6 Forehead Chakra - Ajna (Perception) Venus 221.23 Hz / A3
  • Tuning Fork 7 Vertex Chakra - Sahasrara (Spirituality) Platonic Year 172.06 Hz / F3


  • Manufacturer: Meinl
Meinl Tuning Fork Set Chakra, TF-SET-CHA-7, 7 pcs. Product ImageMeinl Tuning Fork Set Chakra, TF-SET-CHA-7, 7 pcs.
€ 325.50

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