TREE from Mystic Circuits is a sequential switch with bidirectional inputs and outputs and a sophisticated shift function. The module has eight ports that can be signal inputs or outputs and one main input output. For example, each incoming Gate or clock signal can be used to cycle through, or, for example, the patched envelope can be sent to the oscillator FM, cutoff, PWM, etc., or vice versa, different modulation sources can be routed to one destination in succession. LEDs indicate which channel is currently active.
Jensseits of the standard functions
The first special feature of this Sequential switch is for the benefit of the RWD socket, as with each incoming Gate or Clock signal the playback sequence takes place in reverse. The second special feature is the shift inputs, which also wait for Gate or Clock and advance one, two or four steps (channels), making the sequence much more lively. With the LEAVES Expander TREE can be extended to a parallel running sequencer for control voltages.