The linear frequency response and omnidirectional polar pattern of the ECM8000 allows you to carry out measurement and alignment tasks with minimum hassle and maximum precision, making it a perfect complement any real-time analyzers. Its rugged construction ensures years of trouble-free use.
Extremely linear frequency response from 15 Hz to 20 kHz
This was originally purchased as a measurement microphone which it does an amazing job of, but it has great neutral tone so its really help with so much bright vocal and I get really vintage sound. Its incredible.
Good measurement microphone, and obviously great value for money. I just bought a second one of these, because I think they also make reasonable omni room/overhead microphones. Again, very good value for money for this purpose. In a lot of situations their transparent, characterless sound may actually be what I want. Can definitely recommend it if youre on a budget (and even more so when youre not).
Now i dont have much experience with measurementmics and i deffinatley dont have anything to compare it to. But i have started to take measurements in my studio and it seems to do what its supposed to, and confirm my suspicions. I am gonna try it as a room microphone some day for drums or such, and then im gonna A/B with another small diaphragm omni mic to really see how it sounds. But so far i have no complaints, everything is working well, it didnt cost me much and my room is being redesigned after what the mic helped showing. Overall a good product.