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Torso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Item: SYN0008923-000
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The T-1 Black from Torso Electronics is a sequencer with a focus on algorithm-based music and generative workflow.  All product info
Torso Electronics

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Torso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic Sequencer White

Torso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic Sequencer White Product Image
  • Manufacturer: Torso Electronics
  • Mounting Options: MIDI Step Sequencer
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Velocity sensitive: Yes
  • Number of Knobs: 18.0
  • ...
€ 613.10
€ 613.10
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Torso Electronics T-1 Black

Algorithmic Sequencer

  • Master sequencer
  • 16 tracks
  • Algorithm-based composing
  • Euclidean sequences
  • Turing Machine
  • Arpeggiator
  • Chord Generator
  • Generative workflow
  • NOTE, CC or FX mode per track
  • Programmable trigger probability
  • (step-based) randomizer
  • Carious tone scales
  • Continuous, optical Feedback via the 16 RGB buttons
  • Ableton Link
  • WiFi
  • Automatic saving
  • USB-C (power & MIDI)
  • MIDI In, Out & Thru (via TRS adapter)
  • Clock inputs and outputs
  • Reset inputs and outputs
  • CV input
  • 2 Gate outputs
  • 4 CV outputs
The Torso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic Sequencer in side profile

The T-1 from Torso Electronics is a sequencer with a focus on algorithm-based music and a generative workflow. You can access your electronic instruments and plug-ins on 16 tracks via MIDI, USB-C, CV/Gate and WiFi and make them sound rather unconventional with Euclidean sequences, Turing Machine algorithms, Arpeggiator or chord generators. Since or 2.0, step editing with specific note reference and exact programming is also possible. Each of the 16 tracks can be set to one of three modes. NOTE creates new rhythms and melodies using musical algorithms and adjusts them with detailed editing steps. In CC mode, 16 of the 18 knobs become controllers that can be used to create automation through random modulation. The FX mode can create a complex sequence from simple piano playing via a connected master keyboard and mutate existing sequencer tracks. The musical results often follow inspirational paths and are designed to go beyond piano rolls and TR grids. Once you have internalized the operating principle, many things are literally just a twist away. Just as easily as you can adjust the envelope on a synthesizer, the T-1 changes the entire sequence or parts of it with just a few controls. Is that still too binding for you? Modulatable tone scales, percentage trigger probability and step-related randomizers for a number of parameters allow a high degree of variation within a track with only minimal personal input.

T-1 Techno jam

T-1 - performing is composing

T-1 + Roland D-05 + Nord Drum2

T-1 + AnalogFour + Norand Mono

T-1 Explorations: Roland 707 + Roland Boutique D-05

Getting to know - Track types


  • Manufacturer: Torso Electronics
  • Mounting Options: MIDI Step Sequencer
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Velocity sensitive: Yes
  • Number of Knobs: 18
  • Number of Keys: 23
  • Power Supply: USB powered
  • incl. Power Adapter: No
  • Length (cm): 30.4
  • Height (cm): 3.9
  • Depth (cm): 11.4
  • Weight (kg): 0.82
Torso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic Sequencer Product ImageTorso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic Sequencer
€ 613.10
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