High-quality and coloring instrument/microphone preamp
Warm Audio's WA12-500MKII is a completely discretehigh voltagepreamplifier for microphone and instrumentsignals. While preamps from other manufacturers often provide a very clear sound or just raise the volume, the WA12500MK2 with its two transformers is all about colours that make the signal"livelier".
In addition to the so-called "Larger than life" sound, the WA12-500MK2 was designed for highgain applications(+71dB), while the background noise is very low. Thus the preamplifier finds its place in every recording situation.
Warm Audio WA12-500MKII Overview:
Instrument/Microphone Preamplifier
USA CineMag transformers for excellent sound
71db Gain
completely discrete signal path
Uses a discrete 1731 style opamp (6 pin socket)
TONE button - Changing the impedance from 600 ohms to 150 ohms provides a different sound
48V Phantom Power.
Output attenuation control - provides for the saturation of the output