James Hetfield Signature Modell aus dem ESP Custom Shop.
James Hetfield gehört bereits seit 1988 zum illustren Kreis der ESP Endorser und durch die enorme Popularität seiner Band Metallica dazu beigetragen, die Instrumente des japanischen Herstellers weltweit bekannt zu machen.
Mit der Iron Cross Snow White präsentiert der ESP Custom Shop eine exakte Replika der Gitarre, die James Hetfield auf unzähligen Metallica-Gigs spielte. Der Korpus der ESP Iron Cross besteht aus Mahagoni und trägt eine Decke aus Ahorn, während der eingeleimt Hals aus Ahorn gefertigt ist. Im Ebenholz Griffbrett sitzen 22 Bünde im "Extra Jumbo"-Format, während Einlagen in Form von Flaggen und eines Iron Cross die Lagen markieren.
Dank der rückseitigen Konturfräsung liegt die ESP Iron Cross komfortabel am Körper, während das "Thin U"-Halsprofil und der 12" flache Griffbrettradius zur bequemen Bespielbarkeit der Gitarre beitragen.
Als Tonabnehmer kommt auf der ESP Iron Cross Snow White das Output-starke EMG HET-Set zum Einsatz. Dieses wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit James Hetfield entwickelt und liefert den klaren Sound aktiver Pickups, besitzt gleichzeitig jedoch den Punch und die Dynamik passiver Tonabnehmer. Wie bei Hetfields original Iron Cross ist der 3-Wege Toggleswitch in der oberen Korpusrundung deaktiviert, die Tonabnehmer werden über den Schalter im Reglerfeld der Gitarre ausgewählt. Zusätzlich stehen individuelle Volumen-Regler für jeden Tonabnehmer und ein genereller Tone-Regler bereit.
Die Hardware der ESP Iron Cross Snow White setzt sich aus einer TonePros Locking Tune-O-Matic und einer TonePros Locking Stopbar zusammen, die eine perfekte Intonation der Gitarre garantieren und das Resonanz- und Sustainverhalten stärken. Sperzel Trim-Lok Mechaniken verleihen der Gitarre darüber hinaus eine hohe Stimmstabilität und erleichtern den Saitenwechsel.
ESP Custom Shop James Hetfield Signature Korpus: Mahagoni Decke: Ahorn Hals: Mahagoni, eingeleimt Halsprofil: Thin U Griffbrett: Ebenholz Griffbreteinlagen: Pearloid, Flags mit Iron Cross am 12. Bund Griffbrettradius: 12" (305 mm) Bünde: 22 XJ (Extra Jumbo) Sattel: Knochen Sattelbreite: 1.65" (42 mm) Mensur: 24.75" (628 mm) Halstonabnehmer: EMG JH-N Humbucker, aktiv Stegtonabnehmer: EMG JH-B Humbucker, aktiv Schalter: 3-Wege Toggle im Reglerfeld Regler: 2x Volume, 1x Tone Brücke: TonePros Locking Tune-O-Matic Saitenhalter: TonePros Locking Stopbar Mechaniken: Sperzel Trim-Lok Gurthalter: Schaller Security Locks Hardware: Schwarz Finish: Snow White mit schwarzen Streifen und Iron Cross inkl. Koffer, Schaller Security Lock-Endstücken und Custom Shop Zertifikat
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Well, I'm fan of radical shape design. Also, I'm owner of Gibson Explorer and Dean ML for long years. For a long time I was looking for a model that is very similar to the described guitars, and I found it in the Snakebite model. As I was unable to find the white Explorer, this white Snakebite was a hit right in the middle! The guitar “sits” very nicely on my thighs as I sit and play, but it also behaves just fine as I stand and play, it’s nicely balanced. The finish is very good, not quite like the original Gibson, but the price is definitely lower. The aggressive shape of the guitar, as well as the look of the headstocks, encourages its owner to invent new riffs and roar chords from some hot "tubes". Compared to the original, it gives a slightly "smaller bite" and the sound is a bit darker, IMHO it is probably a matter of resonance due to the different quality of the wood, but that is not always so noticeable. Built-in Tonepros hardware is a guarantee that the tone will be transmitted to the pickups and amplifier. The switch is in a much better place than with the Explorer, and just two volume and tone controls are really enough for that kind of music. I know this guitar is meant more for rhythm guitar player than for lead players but maybe it would be good if the neck has 24 jumbo frets instead of 22, maybe some other model, though I doubt it (JH isn't a lead player). The price may not be for beginners and occasional non-commercial musicians, but I don't think it's worth buying some cheap guitars that will later stand in some dark corner of the room. Snakebite always invites you to take it in hand and try some riff, trust me.
This is by far the best instrument I have ever bought. This sounds so amazing and feels so light, it has amazing tone and sounds so like Metallica with the Het Set. The strings are so nice on the fingers and the frets are in pristine condition. The switch feels great and the even the one that does nothing ;) The finish is superb and looks really good (Binding, Inlay etc). The pickups came in good condition with a few finger marks on it and the covers on the new pickups had been taken off.
The guitar arrived here in the UK from Germany with no damage and no marks or scratches. Which is unusual because most of things I order from Germany are damaged or scratched. The guitar was well packaged with 2 boxes. and stuffed to stop it rattling around on the journey. The delivery was quick from Germany to UK literally a 2 day wait.
Overall I recommend this entirely as it's such a perfect guitar for metal and clean. It will support anything you want to play. I do recommend buying strap locks as I did as the strap holders are not that good if you have a cheap strap ;)
Neck is good and comfy but the overall guitar could’ve done better at this price.
This is a guitar for James Hetfield fans. Well not only them, but its distinct design is a fan status statement.
The guitar has the build quality of the other LTD Eclipse guitars in this price range, and LTD makes very good quality instruments.
The JH pickups sound great.. If you like active pickups to begin with.
Price / performance is great if compared to the 1000 series, however I also own a 401 series Eclipse also korean made and I have to say there is no difference in craftsmanship between the two, and the 401 is 30% cheaper.
Overall I am happy with this guitar.