Currents by After Later Audio is a complex digital modulator that can work as an LFO, VCO or envelope. Currents works differently than most LFOs or envelopes. First you select whether you need an attack/decay or attack/release envelope or an LFO. With the parameters
So it is easily possible to set classic waveforms and AD/AR envelopes with the known progressions. In between there are values and curves that one would rather expect from a well-equipped function generator or that go far furthermore. The three speed ranges refer equally to the A/D/R times of the envelope modes and to the LFO. In Red mode, the frequency extends into the audio range which qualifies Currents as an excellent oscillator.
For the four outputs, there are four extremely interesting modes. Mode 1 outputs four different waveforms in parallel, mode 2 addresses the CV to the four outputs one after the other via