This is a guitar for all styles. This is 1/2 kg lighter than all my other guitars. The appearance of the guitar suggests a heavy metal genre and I an not a great fan of the headstock (nor of the genre) but the shape of the body with its contours make this a really comfortable guitar to play for extended time and was a real surprise how versatile it is. Cleans up really well and the volume and tone pots work, not on/off operation you can get with some other guitars . The neck is really slim, a nice matt/satin finish and the guitar came with a good set up. I have owned/own a lot of budget to midrange guitars and this is one of the best in both categories, The lighter weight may benefit many players, both young and old! It's just that headstock!
I bought this as a workhorse project, fully expecting to replace pick ups etc. Required a bit of fettling to get the action how I like it. I will keep it as standard for now as the pick ups are quite good but may change them in the future (and fit locking tuners). For the price this Jackson is absolutely awesome.
Not a bad guitar for it’s price. Of course it needed a work of guitar tech after purchace. But I was lucky to get on with a straight neck so the things I needed was fret work, wiring replacement, potentiometers and switch replacement. So overall I’m satisfied with it.