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2hp Swarm Black

Artículo: SYN0009098-001
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2hp Swarm Black Imagen del producto
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Oscilador digital, hiperoscilación, diente de sierra, cuadrado, osciladores superpuestos, SuperSaw, ruido tonal, bajos rave y m...  Toda la información del producto

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2hp Swarm

2hp Swarm Imagen del producto
  • fabricante: 2HP
  • TE / HP: 2,0
  • profundidad (mm): 45,0
  • + 12 V (mA): 82,0
  • - 12 V (mA): 4,0
162,70 €
162,70 €
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2HP Swarm Black

Hyper Oscillator

  • Digital oscillator
  • Sawtooth or square waveform
  • up to 88 superimposed saw teeth or 55 superimposed pulse waves
  • SuperSaw, tonal noise, rave basses and much more.
  • 1V/octave tracking
  • CV inputs for pitch, detune & voices
  • black panel

Oscillator modular synthesizer from 2hp

Swarm from 2HP is a digital oscillator with a focus on ultra-fat sawtooth and square wave sounds. The idea is based on the SuperSaw waveform from the Roland JP-8000, but the Swarm module takes it to the extreme: up to 88 superimposed saw teeth or 55 superimposed pulse waves can sound simultaneously! In terms of sound, the focus of this module is on super-fat sawtooth sounds, rich pads, phased basses, Next Generation SuperSaw and tonal noise hurricanes that rival those of the SynTech Cloud Generator. The VOICES knob controls the number of available oscillators, DETUNE sets the desired pitch deviation between the oscillators. FREQ is used to set the overriding pitch, and there is a separate CV input for all three controls.


  • fabricante: 2HP
  • TE / HP: 2
  • profundidad (mm): 45
  • + 12 V (mA): 82
  • - 12 V (mA): 4
2hp Swarm Black Imagen del producto2hp Swarm Black
162,70 €
222,70 €
99,00 €
100,70 €
162,70 €
69,00 €

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