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Behringer RS-9

Artículo: SYN0009087-000
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Secuenciador de batería, secuenciador de disparo, 10 pistas, 256 patrones, 16 canciones, repetición de pasos y notas, reproducc...  Toda la información del producto

142,00 €
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Fecha previstade disponibilidad en almacén: 22-mar-2025

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Behringer RS-9

Trigger sequencer for drum modules

  • 10 tracks
  • 256 patterns
  • 16 songs
  • Pattern length up to 1-64 steps
  • Track Mute & Solo
  • Step Repeat
  • Note Repeat
  • Programmable Accent
  • Swing/Shuffle
  • Trigger probability
  • programmable Flam
  • 10 trigger outputs
  • 10 Accent outputs
  • Reset & CV inputs
  • Clock In / Out
  • MIDI In & Out

Introducing the RS-9 Rhythm Sequencer

Drum sequencer from Behringer

The RS-9 from Behringer is an extract from the RD-9 sequencer and is based on the form factor of the Erica Synths drum sequencer. The ten tracks of the RS-9 can be configured as desired; however, it is always advisable to maintain a certain routine when assigning channels: Kick drum on channel 1, snare on channel 2, etc. There is space for 16 songs in the internal memory, which can also be regarded as banks for the patterns; 16 songs x 16 patterns add up to a total of 256 patterns. The patterns can be up to 64 steps long; odd steps can also be programmed individually for each track. The groove parameters Shuffle and Flam, which are particularly indispensable for Chicago Sound and House, have also been integrated. The trigger function, which repeats a preselectable range (1, 2, 4, 8 steps) of sequencer steps in step repeat mode until the button is released, is absolutely performance-oriented. Alternatively, there is Note Repeat, which triggers the selected instrument in four speed levels; perfect for spontaneously adding variety to the pattern! Of course, track mute and solo have also been included!

Anyone who has already had contact with the RD-9 will immediately get to grips with the RS-9. The RS-9 can be synchronized to MIDI, USB and analog Clock . On the output side, the sequencer can synchronize other MIDI equipment and even sequence MIDI drummers thanks to the internal clock generator. When stopped, the module functions as a MIDI to trigger interface, so that it can dynamically play the connected drum modules from a DAW or master sequencer.


  • fabricante: Behringer
  • TE / HP: 52
  • profundidad (mm): 24
  • + 12 V (mA): 350
  • - 12 V (mA): 20
Behringer RS-9 Imagen del productoBehringer RS-9
142,00 €
259,00 €
136,00 €
129,00 €
130,00 €
95,00 €

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