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Make Noise Bruxa

Artículo: SYN0009031-000
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Retardo multitap, 12 vías de realimentación, entrada/salida de audio mono, extraído del sintetizador Strega, desarrollado con A...  Toda la información del producto

458,00 €
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Make Noise Bruxa

Strega's Multi-Tap-Delay

  • Multi-tap delay
  • hybrid signal processing
  • Accurately tuned circuitry
  • 12 feedback paths
  • drastic change of the sound via absorption & filter
  • Mono audio in/out
  • 5 CV inputs
  • 3 CV outputs
  • Modification of the Strega synthesizer
  • developed in collaboration with Alessandro Cortini

New Module from Make Noise: Bruxa!

Effect modular synthesizer from Make Noise

With Bruxa, Make Noise presents an extract from the Strega desktop synthesizer. Make Noise itself describes the module as an alchemical audio experiment created in collaboration with Alessandro Cortini. In essence, Bruxa is a multi-tap delay with over a dozen different feedback paths and multiple filters within those feedback paths aligned to allow for the accumulation of noise, saturation and signal degradation. The delay/filter combination differs from the Strega not only in layout but also in sound. Among other things, this is due to slight level differences between other oscillators and the audio material fed in.


  • fabricante: Make Noise
  • TE / HP: 18
  • profundidad (mm): 48
  • + 12 V (mA): 140
  • - 12 V (mA): 90
  • Delay: Sí
Make Noise Bruxa Imagen del productoMake Noise Bruxa
458,00 €
569,00 €
439,00 €
469,00 €
449,00 €
239,00 €

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