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Shakmat Modular Centaur’s Gates

Artículo: SYN0009067-000
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Filtro doble de 12 dB, analógico, paso bajo, paso banda, paso alto, LPG/VCA, enrutamiento serie o paralelo  Toda la información del producto

301,70 €
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Shakmat Modular Centaur’s Gates

Dual Multitype VCF/VCA

  • Analog Dual filter
  • Lowpass / Bandpass / Highpass Filter or LPG/VCA per channel
  • soft & warm or aggressive & overdriven VCF character
  • VCA with parallel distortion and feedback loop
  • LPG with 1-pole or 2-pole behavior
  • Opto function to simulate the vactrol behavior
  • Serial or parallel routing configuration
  • Click-free switching of filter types
  • 4 CV inputs & audio in/out per filter
  • 16 presets
  • Select bus compatible

Shakmat Centaur's Gates: Demo

Dual filter from Shakmat Modular

Centaur's Gates from Shakmat Modular is a dual filter, LPG and VCA combination with extremely versatile options. The fully analog dual filter consists of two identically constructed 12 dB filters that can be combined and used in series or in parallel. If you're thinking of the Korg MS-20 at this point, you're on the right track. First of all, each filter is able to generate the filter characteristics lowpass, Bandpass and highpass. These are optionally available in the flavors soft and warm (green mode) or aggressive and overdriven (red mode). Alternatively, each channel can work as a pingable LPG respectively VCA. When used as a low pass Gate, an opto function can be activated to simulate the vactrol behavior, and you can also choose between 1-pole or 2-pole behavior, which is noticeable in the frequency range. If you focus on the VCA functionality for modulating the volume, parallel distortion and adjustable feedback are also offered. Considering the changeable character of the filter modes, the possibility to place an (overdrivable) VCA before or after a filter, to process sounds in Stereo or to filter two different sounds, Centaur's Gates is one of the most flexible filters on the market. Thanks to the 16 memory locations, you always have the most important configurations and settings quickly to hand.


  • fabricante: Shakmat Modular
  • TE / HP: 12
  • profundidad (mm): 21
  • + 12 V (mA): 190
  • - 12 V (mA): 150
  • Lowpass: Sí
  • Filtro paso banda: Sí
  • Highpass: Sí
  • Multimodo: Sí
Shakmat Modular Centaur’s Gates Imagen del productoShakmat Modular Centaur’s Gates
301,70 €
373,10 €
365,50 €
273,10 €
251,30 €
205,90 €

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