I bought this case for my new Jackson soloist. The lid doesn't close properly and leave a gap of 2 or 3 cm on the right side of it (twisting the lid). To close it you have to put an amount (too high for me) of pressure. Now I get it, it is a case, it has to be tight. But not to the point to bend the neck. I own an ESP and an Ibanez RG, coming with their own case, I never have to put any pressure to lock them tightly. I had to manually remove some elements of this case to close it properly. I'm surprised I only found one similar opinion online.
Hardcase Hyper solide en ABS thermo-moulé très épais avec des charnières de qualité supérieur et des fermetures méga résistante le Top du Top pour les modèles JS , DK2 Dinky , etc etc ...
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