Synthesizers are an essential instrument for musicians and producers looking for unique sounds. However, with so many models on the market, it can be difficult to find the perfect synthesizer for your needs. We've compiled a list of the best-selling synthesizers on the market today - from affordable entry-level synthesizers to highly professional units with an extremely wide range of features and sounds.
Num. articolo: SYN0007218-000
Il Behringer Pro-1 è un clone dei popolari circuiti sequenziali classici retrò Pro-One, un tempo concepito per essere un Profet-5 monofonico. CEM3340, VCO, VCF, VCA, VCA, Curtis, busta, modulazione...
Num. articolo: SYN0007375-000
Clone del sintetizzatore ARP 2600 con tre oscillatori, filtri Moog e ARP, riverbero a molla e un incredibile suono vintage!