2hp MIDI Black is een interfacemodule voor modulaire synthesizers in Eurorack formaat. De module is een plug-and-play-oplossing voor aansluiting op uw computer of MIDI-hardware. Vier modi bieden monofone, duofone, dubbele mono en quad trekkerbediening. MIDI klok, CC berichten en note-on berichten zijn allemaal gemakkelijk toegankelijk tussen de vier modi. De statusled geeft duidelijk aan welke MIDI-data van de module worden ontvangen. Klasse-conform MIDI-apparaat op Mac / PC / Linux.
This Midi2CV convertor is quite intuitive in use, and does not interfere with your workflow, a great little thing. The witness LED's are a great monitoring help as well.
Just beware of two aspects: - the USB needs the older mini-USB connnector, not the micro-USB or the USB-C. This cable is not included, so be sure you have such a cable lying around (it was popular many years ago). - the left bottom side sticks out just a little bit of its allotted space. I happened to install it to the right of another modular unit that wasn't respecting its allotted space at its right side. You can guess, that just didn't work. But after a little rearranging of the modules I could make it fit.
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